Anyone manage to secure a ticket this morning? I tried via the website - joined a queue at 0845 and after over an hour without joy, tried the phone lines. After numerous calls, too many to remember, which said to call back later, managed to join a queue and at 1030 voila! Two tickets in the bag.
If the game is half as tense as the process for getting tickets, I might not survive the full 90 minutes!!
Some horror stories all over twitter regarding fans having all their mates season tickets, one story (don't know how true it is) was able to buy 100 tickets. About time the club employed professional ticketing staff who follow their OWN rules.
BTW I genuinely hope any fans who are reading this & who have bent the rules in this way are pleased with themselves.
I'll be going to the home leg next week. I reckon it'll be more of a nail-biter than the away leg at Scunny especially if one of the teams is chasing the game after the first leg.
It's on sky so what's it matter. I'll be in my local saying we're all Millers. Not been to an away match for 6 years, not even Wembley. But never miss a Millers game involving the 1st team squad at the New York that includes friendly's checkertrade cup games though not been many of them lately.