I've just returned from some sledging with friends. It's been a great experience. We also played football in the snow. We built snowmen for goalposts and some snowmen for obstacles on the snowfield. It was brilliant. The snowmen somehow managed to beat us 4-3. I still think they cheated. I'll tell you something for nothing. It's a great icebreaker.
Wow, i have never played football in snow. How is it?
It's great fun. We used a beach ball. It's much, much lighter than a football. Walking rather than running through the snow is also key, and it's great for building fitness. The other trick is to flick the ball with the foot rather than boot it up in the air. It's all about ball control. This morning some dogwalker will find several small snowmen in a field and thinking 'WTF?' Well, it was us, the snowballers. Try it some time.