No abuse on my part fella...but whats Warnock gonna say if asked by a journo??? Yeah i didnt take the job where i worked a 2 day week, became adored, and left a bit of a legacy, cos tight old TS wouldnt pay me the £1mil i wanted as a last payday..err no course hes not ! Hes gonna say exactly what he said, while all along laughing his nuts off at us saying i told u so! u shud av paid me!! Pay peanuts know the rest!
OK - so it's not a fact that he wanted more money, just your assertion. Presumably TS would say the same despite you apparently knowing different, yet these things having no proof and denials from both parties. Might as well just say he wanted a solid gold Rolls Royce and Wentworth House.
Money talks. Warnock isn't going to realise any dreams at Cardiff. He will be on a good whack though, and its not too far for him to travel to earn it. No issue with that. I don't know if there was an amount he wanted to stay with us that we wouldn't pay, but if there was I'm glad we didn't pay it. He did a great short term job for us for which he earned a big pay day and good on him. He did it though by playing all the older pros we had on the books and signing a few more to boot. He wasn't the man for the longer term and sooner or later we had to start thinking medium to long term. Paddy Kenny for Cardiff anyone?