"team of patriots (which obviously are people of high intense emotion and belief and specifically picked and trained)" like Al-Queida, funded by the Saudis,
Saudia Arabia is the driver in all the recent wars and conflicts because of Oil, simple.
Then China starts to stir, and by its own admission is not colonial, but dont be fooled. The South china sea incidents, sabre rattling with Japan, i cannot see the USA putting boots on the ground in South East asia to fight ( like Vietnam) anytime soon, but there has been a ramping up of military prescence in South Korea recently by the Yanks, B1 bombers, and et al.
The world is getting too big again, and needs a war to thin things out, it happens quite often if you look back in history.
The USAF are closing Mildenhall and moving tanker ops to Germany, there is a missile shield being placed in Poland, and what do we do, so much for the special relationship. i suppose that went when the Marshall plan forgot us after WW2.
Arm the saudis, and let china buy into anything and everything, if they cant invade us they will cripple us one way or another.
Phew glad i got that off my chest. anyway back to my bunker to await armageddon starting November when Trump gets in.
Lets not forget that the US did threaten to bomb china with nuclear weapons during the korean war if they did not negotiate.
Also, lets not forget that the US bombed Japan for several reasons:
to hasten the end of the war re american lives
to prevent the soviet union moving into asia.
to prevent China moving into Japan.
Also, The US and Russia have had decades of bilateral agreements regarding nuclear and conventional forces but agreements with China, Pakistan and of course Iran remain very difficult indeed.
Ironically enough and with all the anti trump rhetoric, it was president Reagan and THE bush DYNASTY who did the most to befriend Russia and was the key pivotal factor in a significant amount of treaties that both exist today and were built on in his second term and which every president bar CLINTON has continued to improve upon...including OBAMA, who managed to take the joint reduction to just over 1500 warheads each . It was reagan that got Russia and the US to reduce its nuclear capability originally and succesive presients tied into this legacy.
However, following 9/11 Bush unilaterally withdrew the US from some of the treaty bans as concern about Europe surfaced again and paranoia grew (or did it) about terrorism and the world stage. This led to the current crisis of troops in Europe and missile "shields" within striking distance of asia/Russia, a range that had been banned during Reagan years...
Of course we then get the anti-constitutional and incredible American patriot act...and the world stage is on fire again with a new "cold "war".
And now CHINA is a new key player. Its going to be many years of instability like the cold war one assumes.
This realisation no doubt drives the globalists and the social agenda that sees any type of nationalism or capitalism as creating all the ills in the world. Desperate to solve this inherent problem they advocate peace and trust, and economic harmony and integration but in my opinion do so naively as not all the forces in the world want or can sustain a democratic and free and vibrant life . Indeed, the poor, who will always exist somewhere, continue to be neglected and the emergence of the middle class , which is of course now being systematically destabilised, are simply consumers to be treated well or badly depending on the needs of the power brokers.
Of course, as humans, the veil of humanity is incredible thin and I dont for one minute mean to give the impression it could be any other way. However, one must come to an articulated position of what ones believes as there war so many forces clambering for attention and not all of them are educated to a degree where one could trust them to be balanced and in control of their emotions and actions.
Certainly the united states executive powers deserve some radical attention not just in case Trump wins but no one individual should be able to launch a nuclear weapon. At the very least, there should be 4 people who have to 100% agree before any orders are passed.
and the vid of me bouncing around in my Apollo space suit on the moon will shortly be uploaded to youtube, I wasn't actually born - but its as real as it gets
Heres my 'apporth. I dont know whether 911 was a conspiracy or no because there are so many unanswered questions.
I can be convinced that the twin towers fell because aircraft were flown into them, I've seen the footage, even though the architects say the structures where designed to withstand being struck by a Jumbo jet, a much bigger and heavier aircraft. Thats fine I can accept that, just. But, why did the Trade Centre7 building collapse in exactly the same way even though that structure was not compromised by any comparable impact ?
A further thing that has always baffled me is the impact of the second aircraft. As it strikes the building it virtually melts into the structure, even the wings cut through re enforced concrete and massive steel girders as though the facia was made of butter.
Now I'm not an engineer, but a relatively fragile construction such as an aircraft made principally from aluminium is able to cut through a robust steel and concrete building as though it were not there? Even if the nose and fuselage are able to penetrate the building surely the wings with the engines would have been ripped off, not the mention the tail plane assembly. But not only does the complete aircraft enter the building, it continues to cut its way through the entire structure with the nose cone exiting through the other side in a ball of flame.
Now, I've seen the footage many many times an aircraft hits the building, I see it with my own eyes. But how can it happen. Remember the party game, Paper, Stone, Scissors? The scissors cannot cut the stone, aluminium cannot cut through concrete and steel but the wing tips do, cleanly and evenly. How?
Conspiracy? I honestly dont know but above is just two example of unanswered questions. I dont recall hacksaw blades being made from aluminium.