I think he's a complete 2 hat, not a Miller n should go. I don't mind negative posts, gods sake I could slate the lot sometimes but Burglers posts are beyond negative they are derogatory. I could get myself banned using the language I'd like to describe him but I ain't gonna stoop that low !!
He got on my nerves so much I very nearly chucked it in with Banter, but then thought why should I be the one to give up. So now I dont read his posts.
I shouldn't want to see anyone banned. Perhaps he could be persuaded to be a bit more diplomatic ????
Of course he should be banned. Trolls are the scourge of the internet and frankly have no interest in debate or genuine interaction. It's usually just nonsensical attention seeking from this guy - my assumption he has no real life and a deep desire to be validated by constantly attempting to think of ever more controversial statements. Frankly he's predictable and extremely boring.
Burglar's posts are clearly marked...........maybe you shouldn't read them if you feel the need to act so unreasonably about them as to call for a ban.
Clearly marked as what? Offering a sensible point for discussion or just mindless fishing for attention over and over. Even his ****phobic leaning nickname is designed to give offence, and please don't say he actually is the third member of a criminal gang that robs houses.
He's not funny, or interesting and is clearly not a miller given his constant predictions of doom and gloom and failure.
He can't wait for RUFC to fail at anything and everything.
I think the best thing is just to ignore his posts. He clearly thrives on winding people up if nobody posts on his threads he'll soon get bored. He has actually contributed a sensible well thought out reply on occasion, rarely mind, but the fact remains, he can contribute constructively if he chooses. The shame is he prefers his abrasive and crass method. I enjoy Millers Banter and its unfortunate there seems to be someone willing to spoil it for others. Totally blank him I say, a ban would be a badge of honour to him.