Anyone considered the effects of a European exit on RUFC? As most groups in the UK only seem to look at the issue from a selfish perspective, as opposed to what might be best for the country, it's only fair that Millers' fans ask what's in it for us?!
I reckon the main issue will surround potential work visas for European players who currently have free movement. Apparently there's about 400 of these whose futures would be in some doubt if we left. This effects mainly Premier League sides, or those recently departed, but might have a knock on effect on lower league teams because of a potential demand for British born players.
In the event of a Brexit, there would need to be a major overall of the rules which allow foreigners to play in the UK? If the authorities care at all about British football, there's an opportunity to adjust the rules so that many more home grown footballers participate at the higher levels thereby improving the quality of our National sides and allowing supporters to empathise with their team rather than feeling that they're watching a bunch of money grabbers. Foreign investment would drop and all of a sudden there might be a more level playing field which might benefit teams such as Rotherham.
Then again, the PL might use it's muscle to widen the net and lower the requirements to allow even more foreigners into their competition. Like all topics in the European debate, no-one knows the answers or what the future will look like. However, one things for sure, if we leave something in football will change. As a Rotherham fan you might be happy as we are or you might want to take a risk that leaving may increase our chances of being more successful?
It would be interesting to know what TS thinks!
I thought about this as soon as the Cons were bribing us with a referendum if they won the election.
Surely the FA are bound by EU movement labour laws, I'm sure they'd love to place restrictions on quotas of non British players, which in turn will filter down and give a higher success rate of our own kids coming through.
G. Ward last season, should be plying his trade week in week out in the Champ or a top L1 team. He isn't and he won't - in our present system he'll disappear down the rabbit hole
The premier league would hardly be affected as players who play international football get a visa. None international over seas players are the ones who will find it hard so I think the championship and lower are the ones affected. Does this mean that the more affluent teams in our league will push up the prices of what's left leaving us with slim pickings and drive an even bigger wedge through our division?
Or it may mean that we have to rely on home grown talent, a facet sadly missing from the game these day and reflected in the dire international performances