So frecks out for a few weeks, no chance of Kelly coming back for a few weeks either, Rawson unlikely to be fit next week before game only 18 fit players at club so now only 16. Interesting when you are bottom how players get injured more and stay injured longer
its just that our players are simply not good enough and over an amount of games the whole structure is put under pressure.
When a team is constantly stretching and battling to keep pace with the opposition it takes its toll. Some players are injury prone but I think there is a connection between quality and injury overall.
Oh blimey don't say that, matching onto a through ball that was in danger of running away from me at 5 a side I tripped over an imaginary leprechaun knackered 2 of the 4 knee ligaments, labelled a disclocation in medical circles apparently, and when I hit the floor I ignored all advice from Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy and broke my collarbone. That doesn't bode well for the 'quality' statement 😃