Saw it on MOTD Andy. Terrible over the top tackle after he saw a red mist. He got away with one last week and has done it before. He seems to have anger management issues. Not a very likeable character all round regardless of his politics which are his own business. Dives around to try and win cheap free kicks, whinges and whines at every opportunity and takes cheap pot shots in return.
It's a bit complex that Derby. For a start he is from Northern Ireland so he isn't 'a foreigner' although ironically he might see it otherwise. And some would argue that taking a silent stand because you disagree with what the armed forces have been asked to do to your own community in your name is principled rather than disrespectful. But that's a can of worms that probably belongs on the o/t side of the site. It's the fact that he cheats on one hand and tries to maim his opponents on the other that gets up my nose about him.
I thought he was southern ireland, my mistake
It isn't just the armed forces though is it, the man is s*** and really hope his career ends soon doesn't deserve the privilege of being a footballer. What gets my goat is clubs keep employing him and other players accept him, what does that say about football
Don't get me wrong Derby I am not an apologist for him. He is just the sort of character the game doesn't need. He doesn't seem able to engage his brain before doing stupid things. Some players just have that ability to get under your skin, and he is one of them.