OT ain't everyone's cup of tea, fair enough. And when you shove quite a few topics on some (most?) are bound to flop. And when you try and respond to everyone else's efforts sometimes your response might misfire for all kinds of reasons. But suddenly I'm getting cryptic comments about masks and different sides to me from people or frankly insulting yawn emoticons. I like this site and its members and I have tried to give Exeter the support I think he deserves. But if people don't want it or like it or if they get offended by some of it then life's too short for me to spend time flogging a dead horse. Just a thought.
ridgeway, like you I like to give this superb site the support it (& Exeter)deserve, but don't get stressed about the negativity that exudes from some people. The Third Burglar is forever trying to undermine my opinions & to get me to respond to his bile, but I choose to ignore him & secretly hope he goes away (for good). I may agree or disagree with your comments or posts, just as you will mine, but don't stop making them.
Chin up buddy!!!