What a plonker Andy, I realised as I hit the send button that my my imput was a tad daft only having 3 games left. I do tend to miss things these days tho and was embarrassed in the co-op this morning when Towdlass told me I'd forgotten to do up my zip, how I used to laugh at old folks eh. Mind you I'll be one of the first to post next season as I've already made my mind up how many points we'll get. Watch this space.
What a plonker Andy, I realised as I hit the send button that my my imput was a tad daft only having 3 games left. I do tend to miss things these days tho and was embarrassed in the co-op this morning when Towdlass told me I'd forgotten to do up my zip, how I used to laugh at old folks eh. Mind you I'll be one of the first to post next season as I've already made my mind up how many points we'll get. Watch this space.
And I sincerely hope you will Join the prediction league and stay the course young man.
P.S. Andy has been know to try and change to timeline on his predictions but Ex has sophisticated counter espionage software to combat this.
I too hope you will join the excellent prediction league Towdlad. I had a limber up this season but was too late to make an impact on the leaders. Next season it will be a full on assault from the off! It would be good to have you in there aswell.