I made the comparison with Hitler to demonstrate that just because someone may be popular enough to get elected it does not necessarily follow that their views are acceptable. I don't say that Trumps politics are like Hitlers although attacking vulnerable sections of society to garner support and viciously attacking your critics are traits common to both men. Sickly's summing up sums it up. Nobody who holds Trump's disgraceful values should get anywhere near public office and it is a sad day if they do. Give a man like him a platform and anything might happen. Very very dangerous. I can't rationalise it like you can Ian. Sorry.
Smiler, ian, what a great post and well thought out and constructed points from both of you, a delight to read. Good healthy debate thanks for the input.
I got to musing on it and I wonderd how I had forgot to mention Carson. Now, he does strike me as a seriously dangerous bloke.
At least with Trump everyone knows he is a clown. Carson! He is very serious and thinks he is a rational person while believing the most bizarre and Worringly self made fantasy. Believing someone else is one thing. Making it up yourself...disaster.
-- Edited by ian on Friday 27th of November 2015 02:57:10 PM
Trump has now said in a TV interview that he would go hard after the families of terrorists because they know what is happening. In support he cited the Twin Towers attack and the fact that 'for the most part' the 9/11 terrorists put their wives on planes to Saudi Arabia two days before the attacks. Good point Donald! Except that it is totally untrue! Only two of the terrorists had wives or partners, neither of those two wives had ever been to the US, and federal investigators found that the men were forbidden by the planners of the attack from having any contact with their families for the last few months of their lives. But lets not let the facts get in the way of a bit of knee jerk bull.
The thing is all of American politics is corrupt because increasingly like the rest of the west, it is influenced by the chasing of money and power-power over others-that allows them to control everyone else in the world.
The Evil that is American could well be described as the worst sort of Evil; It is global, secretive, brutal , and self deluded. With China now firmly on the world scene , I suspect some real conflict that America will have to shift significantly to combat. For the first time since their Empire started they have an equal power to deal with that will ideologically never be in harmony with.
-- Edited by ian on Monday 7th of December 2015 11:05:30 AM
Trump now wants a blanket ban on all Muslims entering the US, including American Muslims who are currently resident abroad. He has a lot of popular support. The US needs to wake up. The FN now have a majority in French regional elections. Why can't people see that the politics of fear plays into the hands of the extremists on both sides? IS want us to hate Muslims. It plays into their narrative perfectly. It is the opposite of what we need to do. That is obvious, but people fall into the trap and idiot politicians bang the drum and appeal to base fear and hatred. This is all very dangerous.
I am not generally a fan of Boris Johnson but I had to laugh yesterday. In response to Trumps ridiculous claim that because of Islamists New York would soon be like London in that there were parts of it where the police were terrified for their lives, Johnson said that the only reason he might not visit New York would be the fear of meeting Donald Trump. We might have reached a tipping point now where Trump has crossed the line between controversy and madness.