Nothing hooray Henry about Sam Burgess. Watched him many times in Sydney playing Rugby League for Russell Crowe's Rabbitohs. He also has two brothers who took the NRL by storm. If for nothing else, watch the world cup to see this English monster in action.
If we could get him at CB, we'd never concede!
If you've never paid much attention to Rugby Union before, I recommend you give the World Cup a go. You'll not see any diving, mouthing off at the Ref or overpaid and over-rated individuals thinking they're bigger than the team. You never know, you might even enjoy it!!
From what I understand of rugby union sevens and the full game are totally different animals and I think England for example has a specialist sevens team made up of players who are nowhere near the 15 a side World Cup squad. I agree about the comparison between rugby and football - rugby is physically brutal and the way they just get on with it puts modern footballers to shame.
Think Burgess and his brothers are magnificent League players, it is a gamble picking him for the national team with so little union experience, time will tell .
Nothing hooray Henry about Sam Burgess. Watched him many times in Sydney playing Rugby League for Russell Crowe's Rabbitohs. He also has two brothers who took the NRL by storm. If for nothing else, watch the world cup to see this English monster in action. If we could get him at CB, we'd never concede!
If you've never paid much attention to Rugby Union before, I recommend you give the World Cup a go. You'll not see any diving, mouthing off at the Ref or overpaid and over-rated individuals thinking they're bigger than the team. You never know, you might even enjoy it!!
Glenn, I've watched RU for years and still don't understand half the laws. However, as a spectacle it beats football hands down.
Think Burgess and his brothers are magnificent League players, it is a gamble picking him for the national team with so little union experience, time will tell .
Agreed and I think he only just scraped into the team. A year from now he may well be great though.
RK - As far as internationals are concerned, I'd watch RU every time. I watched the full England v Ireland game and then watched a recording of England v SM at x16 - stopping only for the goals! However, I'm not sure I'd sacrifice the quality and excitement of sport at NYS for a RU match.
RK - As far as internationals are concerned, I'd watch RU every time. I watched the full England v Ireland game and then watched a recording of England v SM at x16 - stopping only for the goals! However, I'm not sure I'd sacrifice the quality and excitement of sport at NYS for a RU match.
Glenn, agree with your views 100%. At international level RU every time. I watched perhaps 5 minutes of the SM bore fest before switching to my umpteenth viewing of The Longest Day! If RUFC aren't involved football doesn't interest me a jot.