I read somewhere this week that we had to make NYS "a fortress". Dead right!!! I remember Evans saying last year that "In the second half of last season we did turn New York into a fortress." In the last year or so the chairman of Hartlepool has said he wants "to make the stadium a fortress for the home side", the owner of the New York red Bulls (different New York I think) said he wants Crew Stadium to "be a fortress", Mark Hughes wants to make the Britannia Stadium "a fortress again" and Thierry Henry "named what Arsenal are missing to make their stadium a fortress..."
All this proves there is no originality in football and a daft metaphor doesn't become less daft because everyone repeats it. Driving home on Saturday after a long contemplative silence my mate said; "What we need is...(I knew what was coming but it's difficult to punch someone when you're driving at 70)...what we need is to make NYS a FORTRESS."
In one of my earlier incarnations I was editor of a specialist magazine. We incorporated a Readers Letters page but embarrassingly didn't get a single one. I can now confess that for the first few editions until a certain critical mass was attained I made up every single letter.
The cliches in football make you cringe, I think they're there as a laziness. One thing we do get with Evans is originality (in press conferences anyway)
In one of my earlier incarnations I was editor of a specialist magazine. We incorporated a Readers Letters page but embarrassingly didn't get a single one. I can now confess that for the first few editions until a certain critical mass was attained I made up every single letter.
Keep up the brilliant work, ridgeway. If you build it they will come.
In one of my earlier incarnations I was editor of a specialist magazine. We incorporated a Readers Letters page but embarrassingly didn't get a single one. I can now confess that for the first few editions until a certain critical mass was attained I made up every single letter.
Keep up the brilliant work, ridgeway. If you build it they will come.
Thanks Andy. I retired recently and am at a bit of a loose end. My doctor said I had to find stimulating activities to keep my brain active and what better than the cut and thrust of engagement with fellow Millers on Banter?
In one of my earlier incarnations I was editor of a specialist magazine. We incorporated a Readers Letters page but embarrassingly didn't get a single one. I can now confess that for the first few editions until a certain critical mass was attained I made up every single letter.
Keep up the brilliant work, ridgeway. If you build it they will come.
Thanks Andy. I retired recently and am at a bit of a loose end. My doctor said I had to find stimulating activities to keep my brain active and what better than the cut and thrust of engagement with fellow Millers on Banter?
It's always best to sound out your own GP. Self diagnosis may go awry.
I once found a beautiful hand made fortress on the tip in Rawmarsh. I never to this day had anything more welcome, and yet so protective of my fragile ego.
In truth We should all make our hearts a fortress, and be brutal in our use of the drawbridge. There can be no fortress without the ability to shut up shop and survive for prolonged period without support from outside. In this sense it's important to have a secret tunnel perhaps and One or two swift horses to summon help. It's also imperative not to allow gifts through the gates.
I once found a beautiful hand made fortress on the tip in Rawmarsh. I never to this day had anything more welcome, and yet so protective of my fragile ego.
In truth We should all make our hearts a fortress, and be brutal in our use of the drawbridge. There can be no fortress without the ability to shut up shop and survive for prolonged period without support from outside. In this sense it's important to have a secret tunnel perhaps and One or two swift horses to summon help. It's also imperative not to allow gifts through the gates.