Usually, we feel obliged to comment on relationships when there is a strain of some sort. It doesnt always result in a negative outcome for the relatioship, but it does indicate a renewed focus on it and the goals and functionality of the relationship.
Good buddies we are, because it softens the blow when the end comes?
Good buddies we are,because we are in this together?
Good buddies we are, because we cant find a solution, or other focus other than our relationship?
Good buddies we are, because we feel the anxiety of the fans?
Good buddies we are, because the dressing room needs to know?
Good buddies we are, because we are under pressure due to real or percieved specualtion as to our relationship?
From day one TS has said the same. When results go against any manager, I guess it does no harm at all to stand by your man and let the general public/fans know that you are. SE hasn't been here before and to be fair the club had little time to prepare for the Champs given our late entry via the play offs. I agree with his comments, the wheat and the Chaff will have been separated by the time the New Year comes and I am more than hopeful for a great run in.