Should end season now on Health & Safety grounds and positions stay the same, as it has been an equal chance for all teams up to this point. Any teams with games in hand allowed 1.5 points per game not yet played up to 35 games.
This is only fair for everyone
P.s I got 1/1000 with Ladbrokes that Mattock is our first/only player to catch the virus ...
This site is called Millers Banter where is your sense of humour. My little bit of a poor attempt at it is a lot better than your usual long winded proclamations from on high.
Looks as if this season has gone what ever the powers that be decide what the outcome will be it is up to them. What information I have tried to find out about this situation there is nothing in the rules to cover it. Someone on Twitter has come up with a suggestion let fans in for free in the frendlies. It would be a gesture with people losing money on season tickets and the Fleetwood game.
I am off post here so sorry to the posters. Gwru, i am fed up of you saying things like thank god for Cheltenham. Get a betting post up on the O/T section and i will put up what i know about betting and what i have been involved in. I am willing to bet i have forgot more about the subject than you know. Lets get it started.
whiston01 complete waste of time on this site putting anything up about horseracing no interest. No good just two participating. I know some on here check my posts on MM. I showed them on there who was the governor with my tips. Think we might have seen next years champion hurdle winner the unlucky Goshen.
Back on topic TH I've said this before up to the individual but I don't want no freebies from the club. I got my money's worth this season in the games played. I don't want any refund. Any games that are not included in my season ticket incl' friendly's I will pay for the tickets. Even once after the suspension it's lifted nothing as changed. Games need paying for even friendly's there's costs involved. Those who paid for the Fleetwood game surely will be refunded that's different.
I'll never cross over to sadthemiller's side I look for positives. Should have been a world wide ban on travel in or out from China months ago. The UK same our borders should have been closed no travel in or out. Ronnie O'Sullivan think it was last Nov or Dec knew there was a threat when he refused to shake hands in snooker games. Yes it's always been great in my over 50 years being a Miller. Like in the close season can't wait to get back but this is different. Will have to wait till this virus is under control but under this government I've no confidence they know how to get it under control. One thing it will show there's no leaders in politics all parties in the UK hasn't been for years.
Gwru it has nothing to do with this government at all they will work with the rest of the world and follow scientific advice, they have to try and protect our way of life at the same time. Letting China become a large economic power in the world was always a mistake, they have no respect for human life and will willingly sacrifice people for their larger aims, remember Mao murdered 40 million people the largest in history, members of our Labour party have publically stated Mao as a Marxist hero. If this ever comes out that it was caused by the Chinese playing with SARS with the intention to weaponise it then we have a really dilemma because that it bordering on an act of war and that is something nobody would recover from.
Johnson needs to stop his tiresome buffoonery. Political point scoring is now over. Trump needs to stop his daily electioneering. Mr President, you need to step up to the plate even though you have adopted an isolationist policy when the world really needs unity. Covid19 will run its course. It will be years before this awful virus is brought to heel. After speaking with a few health professionals, and I wish I hadn't now, it appears that the damned virus can survive up to 12 hours on most surfaces if it's not treated with anti-bacterial products. Next week the UK Government is going to announce more measures to attempt to delay the further spread of the virus including a suggestion that people aged 70 years or over should go into self isolation for up to 16 weeks. Covid19 has been predicted to peak some time between late May and early June this year. If, and it's a big if we are hit by an early heatwave then that should help kill off the virus.
I'm wondering if the Premier League, Championship and EFL clubs will be able to take the financial hit? Their players being paid without even playing a game.
The world will never be the same again. As I mentioned before in a previous post. We will all be affected whether directly or indirectly by Covid19.
Derby i will agree with you cause I'm not up on history. China it's over populated am I correct with that? that's not going to help if I am. Just think if Ronnie O'Sullivan thought it was a threat months ago our government should have then put measures forward to combat this virus to greater effect.
Derby I have been. Saying it for years china has global power in its sights they tried to keep lid on it. Like that doctor who now died. Europe now on shut down china recovering and will march onwards
You couldn't make it up. Some do though. Coronavirus has been around for decades. Have world governments not tasked their respective scientists to monitor its various mutations over the years? I'm sure David Icke has his own conspiracy theory on YouTube about Covid19. Agenda 21 springs to mind.
When the Bubonic Plague broke out there weren't the antibiotics around to treat the people who contracted the disease.
Bubonic plague is one of three types of plague caused by bacterium Yersinia pestis. One to seven days after exposure to the bacteria, flu-like symptoms develop. These symptoms include fever, headaches, and vomiting.
Covid19 is in a different class. Symptoms include fever, coughing and respiratory problems. Breathing becomes more difficult and pneumonia can set in.
Deby miller says members of the Labour party have publicly stated that Mao is a marxist hero. When i get up off the floor from laughing please tell me who these people are. It might have been said in the S*um or Daily Hail but not by members of my party. I tell you what, lets blame Jeremy Corbyn for coronavirus as the media blamed him for everything in the run up to the general election so why stop now.
Do not believe any Tory government when they say they are acting in the interests of the working class people of Britain.They run a broken system and they have made a political choice ( different to other countries) when they are using a 'herd immunity'. This is where they allow around two thirds or more of society to be infected. That means mass deaths. Chris Whitty (chief medical officer) said the worst case scenario is 80% would contract the virus with a 1% mortality rate. This equates to more than 500,000 deaths. We need emergency action , that pushes aside the priorities of big business and profit and puts its people first.
The conspiracy theorists like Icke will have their views on this, which i would also refute. However, The tories austerity programme which the weakest in society takes the biggest hit has left a lot of what we rely on, Nhs, community care, emergency services etc in a state where it cannot cope. As i said before this is a broken system where, when the heights of power get threatened they turn to anything they can to keep it going. China look to have got some sort of control of coronavirus with help from another much hated country in Cuba.Lets hope they have found a vaccine and the rest of the world will benefit from it. I doubt it though. I also doubt that the rich countries will never stop the biggest killer in the world. Something they could do very easily with just a small change in how the money goes around. Do you know what the biggest killer is? Starvation. That tells you all you need to know about b*st**ds like Johnson.
It might just be me but this is is a football site try to keep it that way. Any of your political leanings waste of time I am not interested and I suspect is anyone else. This season is dead as far as I am concerned. All I want to know is when are the next season tickets out I am first in line to get one.