So 'I will tell everything' is qualified by '.....subject to prior legal advice'. Which means you might not 'be able' to spill the so called beans. Who would have thought it?
I would advise against it. You would have to prove your claims, and you could drag people into it that would not be amused.
Just under the 'submit post' button are the websites guidelines, you would be fully liable for your comments, and if I deem them risky I will pull it - just saying is all. Remember the Blackpool saga
ttb you are so funny, in my view (not a lawyer though) you can write it in another way you can mask the story so you cant be done, only if you have signed a non-disclosure do***ent with the club or evans can you be done, or if what you say is untrue. If it was told to you by someone else you also have ways around it, however my advice is keep quiet if your are frightened of legal action I would extend that by saying don't make promises you cant keep either because you are becoming a joke
It's quite simple from a legal perspective...If you know the reason as you claim then assuming you have not signed a non disclosure contract then you can reveal the reason.
If on the other hand you make up a reason, repeat an unfounded rumour, or state a falsehood by implication or as a joke then you would run the risk of defamation if your untrue statements were damaging.
Contrary to opinion on here putting allegedly in front of a false comment offers you no protection from libel.
You are not protected by attributing the statement to someone else as the act of repeating it may be defamatory.
If you are genuine and are certain of your facts then obviously you have no worries but if as I suspect you are a bit of a you will offer no reason and just persist with this childish attention seeking nonsense.
I don't want it on my conscience that I encouraged anyone to do something that got them into bother. Be very careful TTB. But whether or not you have the courage of your convictions this time round, the lessons to learn must be that you shouldn't assert things as fact if you aren't actually 100% confident they are (ie ....I know what happened...) and you shouldn't make promises you can't or won't keep (ie ....and I promise to tell you all if we beat Hull...). The result of all that is that (1) you look daft and (2) nobody will ever believe you again (if they ever did) when you claim to know something.