Truth be told you were always a figment of my imagination, wrought in my psyche by countless educational propaganda and celebrations and high feasts in honour of kings and queens and land owners.
Best we can hope for are crumbs from your very opulent Rubbish bin.
When ever a British flag is waved at our enemies and a commemorative mug is drank from while God saves the Queen rings out there will be some who think Mojo is back.
Mojo is the saliva on the lips of corruption.
Mojo is the self aggrandizing Politicians.
Mojo is Prince Harry taking a terrible (oooohh!!) tumbel off his pony.
Mojo is the last night at the proms.
we, the rest of the class, think , to varying degrees drink from the same mojo river as the Mojo myth originators. So much so that anyone who dare suggest another river is just as likely to quench ones thirst is immediately labelled dangerous and unpatriotic.
The labour party never was for killing indiscriminately
It never was for war mongering.
It never was one for telling the people what to think.
Today the country remains in crisis.
A vote is about to take place.
Kill them.
stand by our Brothers.
dont look weak.
I remember Bush and the nut jobs that are the republican party saying the same thing and the democrats getting in right next to them.
I for one caution real politics and not indiscriminate bombing in an area that already has two super powers and a third nuclear power doing the same thing while Turkey does all it can to deceive and draw others in to its own parlour trick.
Corbyn is made to look out of touch and irrelevant and weak and dangerous.
Its about time those who have no real socialist blood in their bones left and joined the mass ranks of middle England.
The real Labour party hasnt been elected for 40 years , so what difference does it make.
Let them leave and let the grass roots start growing again. we might actually get a real peoples party to challenge the growing apathy and manipulation in this mad material mindless world.
I saw this in my local newsagent and was dismayed at the present mentality of many of our fellow countrymen and saw why we get the governments we as a society deserve. Not necessarily their fault, when education is being eroded and underfunded, designed to fail in northern towns and cities to keep the great unwashed as dim as possible. If they are kept under educated, unable to read a book how are they going to have the sense to see through the establishment smokescreen, let alone be motivated enough to vote.
I saw this in my local newsagent and was dismayed at the present mentality of many of our fellow countrymen and saw why we get the governments we as a society deserve. Not necessarily their fault, when education is being eroded and underfunded, designed to fail in northern towns and cities to keep the great unwashed as dim as possible. If they are kept under educated, unable to read a book how are they going to have the sense to see through the establishment smokescreen, let alone be motivated enough to vote.
quite true.
I must admit, we do seem less politically aware than some other countries . However, we do have a large amount of citizens that are committed to doing the right thing but perhaps the general apathy is because we may have had it to easy for too long...