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Topic: Preppers

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I was just reading about these people. I knew that the US had them but apparently we have a few as well. They have Ridgeway-like shelters and survival kits and escape plans in place in case they need to 'bug out' (move undetected to a pre-determined safer location where no-one would find them). They are essentially anti-government, usually semi-military in approach (like wearing cam-wear) and often have Confederate flags in their sheds. Catastrophe, it seems, could come in the form of natural disaster or mass unrest. As a responsible family man I am now thinking about whether I should make my plans. Between us, at the moment I favour investment in an inflatable dinghy to get me down the Chesterfield Canal as far as the Proact Stadium, but my plans are not yet settled. If anyone has their own thoughts and doesn't mind sharing them in confidence, please shout up.

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Posts: 1200

Better late than never Smiler so welcome aboard.  As doom may come in a variety of bio, environmental and nuclear guises don't skimp on the gear.  Here's the standard Ridgeway outfit which is available to Millers at a discount.


With shelters the secret is "Go deep."  Here's one I built for a friend which is really the bare minimum.


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Do you remember when the government a few yrs back was urging us all to store food and water in the loft. For the life of me I cant remember why. However, I do remember falling base over apex when I went visiting a friend and their loft was like a scene from robinson Crusoe.

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Posts: 1200
ian wrote:

Do you remember when the government a few yrs back was urging us all to store food and water in the loft. For the life of me I cant remember why. However, I do remember falling base over apex when I went visiting a friend and their loft was like a scene from robinson Crusoe.

 Don't remember that, Ian, but squirrelling away essential supplies for Domesday obviously makes sense.  Here's me in the bunker guarding my survival rations.


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