Yes it is. That said when I buy TS out I shall be seeking a name change to Ridgeway Rovers and a new strip of magenta and cyan hoops with Primrose yellow shorts.
But let's not forget how unpopular the decision to call the stadium the New York Stadium was, with others preferring names like The Foundry or the New Mill.
Would seem strange now it being anything but NYS. Three unforgettable years there so far to boot.
The name is unique, it is part of our town's history, it is the name of the area the stadium was built - which was called New York long before the American imposter - who cares about the derisory comments of those who know nothing of the club or the town? Not me. I love the stadium and I love the name.
We could have had an identikit name for an identikit stadium but look at what Tony gave us and rejoice.